As a leader in delivering amateur and high performance sport to Calgarians, Repsol Sport Centre is proud to honour its athletes with a total of $16,250 this year, funded by The John Currie Amateur Sport Legacy Fund. Under careful deliberation and criteria examination, the LPSS Bursary Committee designated 18 amateur athletes to be recognized and financially rewarded for outstanding athletic achievement in support of their future training and competition goals. The honourees are a mix of Olympic hopefuls, veterans and up and comers, representing 8 sports. There are 5 men and 13 women ranging from 13 to 37 years. Further, 83% of the recipients train 19 hours a week or more, and proudly call Repsol Sport Centre their home.
Dive Tower Project: 10m platform expansion for twinning Dive Towers, attracting international FINA Dive Competition May
2018 & 2019 -
Facility Brand Painting: Walk of Wellness, Track columns,
Member Lounge, Upper Fitness Centre, pool deck and lower level staircase to Strength & Balance Studio. -
Digital Display Board: new ViviLed score clock for competition pool event use and display for promotional slides
Learning Room: new floors, paint, and refurbish chairs
High Performance Studio: wall extension, paint
(more to come in 2019) -
Gyms 1,2,3: sand and re-coat
LED lighting: various activity spaces and offices
Assorted operational upgrades:
boiler study
hot water heat exchangers
facility tile repairs
sliding doors upgrades with air-cushions
plumbing and pipe replacements
new plexiglass for concourse railings
sand filters for training pool, hot & cold tubs
lane rope disc replacements
improved pool storage areas for public equipment
chlorine room electrical renovations